The company currently employs 130 workers with different occupational profiles, such as blacksmiths, welders, pipe fitters, masons, carpenters, and ship fitters, in Croatia and abroad.
All employees together with the managing director are involved in achieving quality policy objectives and have primary responsibility for the quality of their own work. The quality policy objective is to effectively improve business operation and competitiveness in the market. To ensure the implementation of the quality policy, a documented quality system has been established in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and SCC standards. All employees are expected to strictly comply with the provisions laid down in the documents of the established quality management system.
The quality of products and services is such that it is the main reason for the customer’s decision when establishing a business relationship.
The quality system is continuously improved on the basis of analyzes of data collected from quality records, system assessment procedures, complaints and customer comments.
The products are not delivered to the customer until all quality requirements are met.